Cat Eye Care: An Overview

Cat eye care

A comprehensive guide to feline grooming is never complete if an eye inspection is not on the list. Even a minute careful examination of your cat’s eye can reveal potential issues like crust, corneal ulcers, trauma, irritants, and cataracts.

There are different tips for identifying any underlying health issues related to your cat’s eyes. Here are a few of those tips along with some to prevent and treat such issues.

Cat eye inspection tips

Have an eye on eye inspection with your cat under sufficient lighting and check for the following traits:

  • The eye is white clear and bright
  • The pupils are of the same size
  • The eye lining is pink rather than red or white

If you find any crust or debris in your cat’s eye, try to wipe it out from the corner of the eye using a damp cotton ball. Ensure that you use fresh cotton ball each time you swipe. As a preventive measure, it is ideal to snip away the hairs that seem to be growing into her eyes or blocking her view.

It is never advised to use eye drops or any kind of solution on your feline’s eyes unless it is prescribed by the veterinarian.

Identifying the issues

There are some symptoms or signs that can clue you in whether there are any issues with your feline’s eye.

Eye infections: eye infections in cats are usually characterized by swelling, discharge, signs of itching and squinting. Mild cases of cat eye infections can be treated with symptomatic care. However, for severe versions of infections, it is ideal to consult a veterinarian.

Corneal ulcers: corneal ulcers are caused when the surface of the feline’s eyes are torn off. Corneal ulcer is usually caused by issues like dry eye, infections, and injuries.  Eye of a feline suffering from corneal ulcer appears cloudy.

Trauma: the eye problems in cats from trauma usually arises from cat fights, falls or predator attacks. The condition is characterized by punctures, bulging or lacerations.

Iris discoloration: iris melanosis is a condition that leads to the discoloration of feline’s eyes. A cat suffering from this concern will have eyes that seem to have pigments on the iris.

Glaucoma: glaucoma in felines is usually caused by anatomic abnormalities related to the eye. On some occasions, trauma and tumors can be even be held responsible for glaucoma. The eye of a feline suffering from glaucoma can be cloudy, swollen and watery.

Prevention of any eye related issues in cats depends on how knowledgeable you are in attending to the necessary tasks. It is ideal to groom your cat at least twice per month and ensure that you give special attention to the eye checkup routine.

If you suspect that your cat’s eye looks different or is watery, cloudy or with abnormal discharge it is recommended to consult with a veterinarian as soon as possible. Always bear in mind that eye conditions that are not attended to can even lead to blindness. Make it a point to vaccinate your cat at the right time and stick with a proper checkup routine.