We all know that moving house is a tedious task. From hiring a truck to unpacking at your new place; there are several occasions where you can make mistakes.
On top of all this chaos and confusions, what if you have your adorable cat along with you while you make this big move? How can you make this transition smooth and stress-free for her?
Get her into one of those new portable plastic crates and introduce her to the new house, sounds easy, right? Well, it is not. You will be astonished to learn about the things that you should consider while you move house with a cat.
This post lists the five important things to consider while moving house with felines.
Update your cat’s microchip or tag details
Moving houses can be stressful for cats and it might take some days for your feline to get accustomed to the new environment. The instances of pets going misses following moving houses are increasing day by day.
Considering this, one of the first things to do is to update the contact details on her collar tag. If your cat is microchipped, you need to update the contact details via the vet’s office that registered your cat or the respective agency that assisted in microchipping your cat.
Flea treatment
Fleas are one of the worst headaches for pet parents. Even though there are different treatments and solutions available to treat fleas, all these require a considerable amount of time and constant care or attention.
If your cat is already flea infested, moving house is a great opportunity to get rid of them. Book an appointment with your veterinarian to treat her for fleas.
Plan the timing of the treatment two to three weeks prior to moving to your new place. It is ideal to consult with the veterinarian a month prior to moving houses to plan the right treatment and duration.
Once your cat is treated, when you move into a new house, it is ideal not to bring any of her old stuff like bedding, towel and toys to the new place.
If your cat is not flea infested, inspect your new house for any possibility of such infestation. Consider things like whether the previous owner had any pets or whether the carpets have been steam washed prior to you moving in.
Pet neighbors
It is ideal to take a drive around the neighborhood before you move in to get an idea of how many pets are there in the area. Talk to the neighbors to get a clear picture of the pets in their area and anything that you should be prepared for.
Take your cat for some trial runs in the new neighborhood prior to the big day. If your cat seems stressful, you can talk to your veterinarian who can prescribe some calming products.
However, it is ideal to find a natural solution to make sure that your cat stays calm on the final day. Even a simple trick like covering the crate with a cloth might be helpful. This is where the trial runs come in handy.
Introducing the new environment
Make sure that you release your feline only after all the confusions and chaos of unpacking has died down. Ensure that the windows and doors are closed and give her some time of her own to get accustomed to the situation and find a favorite spot.
It is recommended to find her a quiet and suitable spot indoors to spend a couple of days. Once she seems out of her shell, you can consider moving her to another area if required.
Keep in mind that cats might take two or three days to get accustomed to the new environment. It is normal to observe symptoms like lethargy and refusal to eat during these initial days. However, if the situation prolongs consult the veterinarian.
Moving house with a cat is stressful, however, if you foresee these factors, you can make it stress-free.