Dogs are cute, obedient and extremely loyal to their masters. Even though dogs give priority to his master’s concern and wishes, there are some things that they might need some training to abide by. For instance, almost all the dogs are known to show some distress against bathing and walking on a leash. This blog post is written as a guide to help you train your dog to walk obediently on a leash.
Introduce the lease and harness to your puppy
This tip is for dog owners who wish to leash train their pooch from a very young age. Initially you need to get him accustomed with the collar, you can let him wear the collar for short durations and play around with him. Spending some quality time with your puppy while he is wearing the collar and even a leash is an ideal strategy that will help him to forget any discomfort caused from these additional restraints.
Training your dog for the leash walk
With time your dog associates leashes with an outdoor walk and the moment he sees you picking up the leash, he will definitely get excited. It is this excitement that any dog owner should take advantage off. Ask your dog to sit while you hook him up with the leash, if he doesn’t obey, just restrain yourself from hooking the leash and let him know that you are not going to continue unless he sits. Your dog might even try to stand or take a run for it while you are halfway tying up the leash, you should not cave in to such attitude and start from scratch by discontinuing what you were doing.
Indoor training
Taking your dog outdoors soon after he is hooked up to a leash is not recommended. Outdoors can easily give him so many distractions and he might forget everything about leash and obedience, which you just tried to instill in him. This is why it is recommended to walk your dog on a leash indoors first. It will be easy for you to walk him indoors as he already knows the place well and nothing can get him too excited, on the contrary, he will be too observant on your action and that is the advantage you are looking for. If he starts pulling on the leash, you need to stand still and let him know that you are not going anywhere unless he restrains himself from such actions. Stick with this attitude every time he starts pulling on the leash and he will definitely get a clear picture.
Outdoor leash walking
Even though your dog seems to understand the etiquettes of walking patiently on a leash while walking indoors, he might still act strange and get over excited the minute he steps out of that door. This is where you have to be stubborn and continue doing what you did while training him to walk on a leash indoors. During the first couple of times, you might not even get far with walking him on the leash as you will have to take frequent stops to show him you are the boss. But being such brilliant animals, dogs are bound to digest the idea pretty quickly and walk obediently on leash.
While leash walking your dog, ensure that you are in control all the time and never cave in for any kind of over excitement or excessive leash pulling from your dog, the key is to stay stubborn, even if it means cutting short the walk time for only a couple of minutes.