Pet microchips play a vital role when it comes to finding your lost animal companion or even saving his life. Currently, pet microchipping is considered as one of the popular means to identify or recover pets. The concept of pet microchipping can be a tad ambiguous for most of the pet parents: something that comes tagged with lots of questions. This article will feature some of the frequently asked questions about pet microchipping.
What is a pet microchip?
Microchip is a small grain-sized electronic device used for identifying your pet permanently. Each microchip is associated with a unique serial code which is set to be identified via a pet microchip scanner.
How does pet microchip work?
During the time of microchipping, you will be provided with a form with the pertinent registry details. You are required to register the relevant contact details and pet information with the respective microchip data registry.
This registry is open to all the nationwide veterinarians, shelters and local councils with microchip scanners. Should your dog or cat gets lost, any of these veterinarians or local animal shelters can use the microchip registry to contact you.
Is microchipping painful?
Pet microchipping is simple process completed in just seconds. The procedure can make your puppy or kitten flinch, but the pain can be compared to thrusting a needle during the injection and it is also short-lived.
Can microchipping go wrong and endanger the life of my pet?
Pet microchipping is a simple procedure and the possibility of something going wrong is a rarity. However, there have been instances where wrong microchipping procedures have raised serious health concerns in pets.
The factors like how you do it and where you inject it are critical; this is one of the reasons why we recommend getting it done by pet microchipping specialists even when there is no law that seconds this.
Can dog microchipping cause cancer?
There is this widely spread concept relating dog microchipping with cancer, we would like to quote it as just a misconception. There have been cases of tumor development in dog microchipping site; however, we don’t believe that microchipping was the only underlying factor.
How do I change or update pet microchip details?
Updating or changing dog microchipping details does not require taking out the microchip and reinjecting it, like most of the pet parents believe. On the contrary, this is a fairly simple procedure that can be done over the phone or website.
When you microchip your pet, on most of the occasions, you will be provided with a registration card with the microchip ID and contact details. The underlying information can vary with respect to the manufacturer of the microchip, as per the details, you can simply call up the number to update the details or login to the respective website to get it done.
Can all pet microchip scanners pick up microchips?
Unfortunately no, only a universal microchip scanner can pick up all microchips. Fortunately, more and more pet shelters and veterinarians have started using universal microchip scanners.
Which microchip is the best?
Since all the microchips are not picked by all microchip scanners, it is imperative that you choose a microchip that is used commonly in your area. You can get information about the same by consulting your local veterinarian who specializes in pet microchipping service.
Microchipping your pet is a fairly simple procedure, we recommend that you consult an authorized pet microchipping implanting service to get the task done with clinical excellence.