Pet microchipping frequently asked questions part 2

In our previous post, we had already discussed some important aspects related to pet microchipping: “what is a pet microchip” and “How does a pet microchip work”. Let’s dig deep into some more frequently asked questions related to pet microchipping.

Which animals are usually microchipped?

Cats and dogs are most commonly microchipped pets. Bird microchipping is also gaining popularity these days. Microchips in birds are placed under the breast muscle compared to implanting them under the skin in cats and dogs.

If my pet is microchipped, is the tag necessary?

Honestly, the concept of pet microchipping is a bit complex when compared to most of the individuals out there. The person who finds your pet can be too lazy to take him to a facility to check whether he is microchipped or not. The person may choose to keep your pet or give him away. On the contrary, a tag that carries the owner’s phone number would be a more ideal and easiest means for the person who finds your pet to contact you.

So, we recommend that to keep the tag on your pet even if he is microchipped.

Will the microchip move around in my pet’s body?:

The chance of microchip moving around in your pet’s body is a rarity, provided, it is implanted in the right location by a pet microchipping specialist. However, today, we even have microchips that are tagged with special polymers, which adheres to the body of your pet once it comes in contact with it to form a connective tissue.

What is compulsory microchipping?

Most of the countries are making it mandatory to microchip pets. The government makes it compulsory to microchip pets when they are registered with the local council. In such scenarios, the government also has the right to fine the pet owner who does not comply with the rule. Compulsory microchipping is usually arranged for cats and dogs aged three months.

Consult with the local council to know the pet microchipping regulations within your locality. If the health condition of your pet does not advice microchipping and if you wish to be excused from microchipping your pet, you need to provide a recommendation from your veterinarian.

What are the advantages of microchipping?

Microchipping ensures you have more chance to find your pet, compared to the traditional pet collars or IDs. When your pet gets lost, he can get easily frightened, which can cause him to wander off to unfamiliar territories. In the chaos, the IDs or tags can easily fall off, this is where a microchip can be a godsend.

In case if your pet is stolen, microchip can be used to prove the ownership.

Pet microchip can be used in conjunction with some advanced technology to ensure that you provide easy access to the pet to your home. For instance, today, you have advanced pet doors in the market, that recognizes the pet by his microchip to provide access thereby helping you to prevent wildlife from entering your home.

Do not hesitate to microchip your pet as soon as he is the appropriate age. Consult with a pet microchipping specialist to get the task done easily and effectively.