Tips for choosing a brachycephalic dog breed

Tips for choosing a brachycephalic dog breed

Brachycephalic dog breeds are long known for all the right and the wrong reasons. The smashed-in face that gives them a cute and cuddly look is something that earns them the spotlight.

However, the fact that this dog breed is associated with breathing issues and other health risks from birth is ironic.

Pet parents decide to stick with brachycephalic dogs due to many reasons. The breed, in particular, is known for their loyalty and personality. However, as per different surveys conducted around the world, the distinctive appearance and the loyalty factor makes them a popular choice among pet lovers.

As a pet parent, if you decide to adopt or buy a brachycephalic dog breed, it is essential that you consider some important factors.

Do your research

It is important that you learn more about the brachycephalic dog breeds and the common health concerns prior to making a decision. Bear in mind that this breed demands great responsibility.

As they require personal care and attention, these breeds might not be a great choice if you are an individual who works around the clock.

Be aware of Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS),

BOAS is is the common health concern associated with most of the short-nosed pets. The concern can be explained as a series of collective conditions that hinder normal breathing in pertinent dogs.

The severity of this condition can vary with respect to factors as listed below:

Stenotic nares: a condition which makes the nostrils narrow thereby hindering the air intake.

Elongated soft palate: the abnormal growth of the soft palate tissue inside the mouth which blocks the trachea.

Hypoplastic trachea: a condition in which the trachea diameter is narrower when compared to other dogs belonging to the same breed.

As easily understandable, these factors can trigger difficulty in breathing and even make your pooch collapse when engaging in extreme physical activities.

Observe the dog carefully

If you decide to adopt or buy a brachycephalic dog, it is important that you talk with the breeder or the person in charge of his health and other conditions. Make it a point to perform a background check of the dog, especially when you are getting a puppy.

It is ideal to ensure that there is no trace of BOAS running in the family. You can also consider taking the dog to a veterinarian for a detailed examination prior to putting pet on paper.

Be aware of the warning signals

Once you adopt a brachycephalic breed, ensure that you are knowledgeable about some of the warning symptoms, which requires urgent attention. For instance, if your dog seems to be getting tired quickly soon after a walk or a short exercise session, you might want to take him to a veterinarian.

Snorting and snoring while sleeping can be normal.  However, if the frequency of snorting or the sound tends to be increasing on a consistent basis, it is time for a checkup.

Be aware of the dental problems in brachycephalic dog breeds and adapt to the right diet and strategies.

Choosing a brachycephalic dog breed can be overwhelming, however, if you invest some time and patient, you will cherish the choice for the rest of your life.