5 tips to prevent your dog from peeing inside

Dogs peeing inside can be common; however, it is a major headache for dog parents. On some occasions, dogs soiling can be a onetime thing. For instance, housebroken dogs that are adopted or those that move into a new house feels they need mark their territory via peeing.

The real trouble starts when your dog starts marking your house on a regular basis. Catching your dog after the act can prompt you to scold him. But ask yourself whether scolding a dog for peeing inside the house will really help. There are different strategies to resort to prevent this from happening.

Monitor the health-side of things

If you observe that your dog has this peeing tendency all of a sudden, check whether he has been administered any new medications. Some medications can induce excessive urination in dogs. Check for signs that tell you that your pooch is struggling to hold her pee in.

Increased urination can also be the sign of serious underlying health issues. A health concern; polyuria is characterized by changes in your pooch’s urination habits. Some of the factors that can trigger polyuria are hormone imbalance, and kidney failure.

If the concern persists, take your dog to your local veterinarian for a detailed checkup.

Think practical

It is wise to keep your dog hydrated, especially during the summer. However, it is unnecessary to keep a big bowl of water at the backyard all the time. Your dog can easily gobble down the water and have inconsistent pee breaks.

This can lead to house soiling or peeing indoor. If you work around the clock, consider hiring a dog walker or sitter to ensure that your dog has an option to pee outdoors and get to understand what is right and wrong.

Plan a routine

Planning a routine and getting your pooch to go by it is another ideal means to ensure that your pooch doesn’t indulge in house soiling.

Consider taking your dog out for a walk once he is done with his dinner and also after he wakes up in the morning. Doing this on a regular basis will help him understand the routine and his system will adapt to the situation which makes things easier for both you and your furry friend.

Get enough potty breaks for your pooch and try to stick with the schedule and do not change it as it can cause confusions and eventually, the unwanted.

Consider the inevitable

As dogs grow older, especially female dogs, they can find it difficult to hold the pee. This is where you need to talk to a veterinarian and consider neutering or spraying your dog.

Neutering your dog will alleviate the concern of hormone imbalance, which can lead to peeing indoors.

Consider anxiety

Anxiety in dogs can also be a major trigger that can lead to indoor accidents. Try to learn more about anxiety in dogs and ensure that your dog is relaxed and stress free.

Dog peeing indoors or soiling the house can be a common thing, once your dog shows the tendency to do this indoors, try to change his habit as soon as possible. Stick to the above listed strategies and try not to scold your dog.