7 first aid tips for dogs

For dog owners, it is really heartbreaking to see their furry friend in pain, it is even worse if you do not know what exactly to do in such a situation. Scenarios like temperature changes, bleeding, seizures, choking, etc can cause sudden discomfort and stress to your dog.

It is imperative to be aware of some dog first aid tips so that you can keep your loved one calm and composed, under such circumstances.

During emergencies, giving first aid to your dog can make a big difference even for sustaining his life until he is taken to the veterinary clinic.

Broken bone or bleeding

If you suspect any broken bone or if you see one poking through, it is ideal to tie it up using a temporary splint (especially, when the injury is below the elbow or knees). You can even use rolled up magazine or lightweight plastic materials as the splint.


In the case of bleeding, stopping the blood loss should be your priority and this can be achieved by applying direct pressure on the wound.

Once you feel that the intensity of bleeding has reduced, the next step is to dress up the wound.

Remove the excess blood on the wound using a clean cloth or sanitary napkin and you can dress it up using cotton and gauze.

Dog seizures

Do not lose your calm and composure if you find your dog undergoing a seizure. Understand that any distractions in the form of noise, light etc can turn things worse.

It is ideal to wait for the seizure to be over to act, take him to the veterinary clinic soon after the seizure ends.

In scenarios, where the seizures don’t end, you need to get him safely to the vet by strapping him in place, as the continuous seizure can cause brain and muscle damage.


Dogs can get burns from flames, chemicals, electricity or even cold. The signs of burns in dogs can take up to 24 hours to be visible.

If you find any signs of burn, try to cool the area with cold water. You can immerse the burned area in cold water or even use a cold pack. Make sure that your pet is kept warm while you cool down the burned area. You can wrap him in a blanket while he is being cooled off and taken to the veterinarian.

Temperature changes

Dogs, especially brachycephalic breeds can find it really hard to cope with sudden temperature changes. Follow the below-listed tips to keep your pet warm or cold in extreme climatic conditions.

Warming your pet: The best way to warm your pet is to wrap him up using a thick blanket and using a heat pack. Ensure that your pet doesn’t lose his body heat and the heat pack is ideally warm. In case your pet is wet, see that you dry him up first prior to wrapping him with the blanket.

Cooling down your pet: Cooling your pet can seem like an easy task; most of the pet parents try to get a cold bath for their dog to cool him off. Trying to cool off your dog immediately should be prevented at any cost. Wrapping your pet with a cool or wet blanket is always an ideal option against using an ice pack.

You don’t really need to be a medical professional to provide first aid for your dog during an emergency. Think smart and act with care to get the job done in the best possible way.