An overview of Stenotic nares in brachycephalic dogs

An overview of Stenotic nares in brachycephalic dogs

Dogs and cats with a flat face or a short and widened face are vulnerable to brachycephalic airway syndrome. Some of the brachycephalic dog breeds commonly adopted by pet lovers are French bulldog and pugs. Brachycephalic dogs face several issues ranging from breathing to dental. One of the major disorders of the brachycephalic syndrome is stenotic nares, if you are a pet lover, planning to adopt a brachycephalic dog, it is smart to arm yourself with the knowledge about stenotic nares.

What is a stenotic stare?

Stenotic nares is a genetic condition that affects the brachycephalic nose cartilage and causes irregular air pressures and breathing difficulties. The respective dogs carry the condition from their birth; however, the deformation only presents itself only after the pet becomes several years old. The breathing difficulties due to stenotic nares can be depicted as trying to breathe through a pinched nose. The condition can worsen over time and exert additional pressure on the larynx which may even cause it to collapse thereby making it impossible to breathe. This is the major cause of death in most of the brachycephalic dogs that face serious breathing issues.

 Symptoms of stenotic nares

Stenotic nares symptoms are often easy to identify. The brachycephalic dogs or cats with stenotic nares exhibit the following symptoms:

  • Breathing difficulties with noisy inhalation
  • Snoring
  • Exercise Intolerance and fainting
  • Discoloration of gums (gums usually turn blue indicating the lack of oxygen)

Keep an eye out for these symptoms in your dog and if you observe any single or more symptoms, which is consistent, take your pet to a local veterinarian for a detailed checkup.

Diagnosing stenotic nares

Usually, a careful examination of the nostrils of the pet under consideration can help professional veterinarians to distinguish stenotic nares from other brachycephalic deformities. However, on some occasions, they might need to perform some additional tests and x-rays to confirm the conditions. Once the stenotic nares is confirmed, veterinarians perform additional diagnostic tests to evaluate the seriousness of the condition.

Treating stenotic nares

Once all the tests are done, the veterinarian determines whether to opt a medical or surgical treatment. if the condition is mild, the following precautionary steps are advised.

  • Not exposing your pet to extreme temperatures
  • Keeping your dog healthy and at an optimum weight
  • Replacing collars with harnesses
  • Cutting short his exercise duration and taking frequent short breaks and giving him plenty of fresh water

If the condition has worsened, then you may not have another option than surgery. Stenotic nares correction surgery is often performed by removing the nostril cartilage/tissue that obstructs the nasal passage and causes the breathing difficulty.

Preventing stenotic nares is impossible to a great extent as it is genetically passed. However, with the right lifestyle and attention, you can easily manage this condition in your brachycephalic pets. Always keep in mind that short-nosed or brachycephalic pets require constant attention. If you decide to get any of these brachycephalic pets, you should be aware of the responsibilities that entail.